All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 14

Where Credit is Due

Results from seven randomized evaluations of the impact of microcredit

Costs and Benefits of Health Microinsurance Premium Loans and Linkages with Health Providers: CARD's Experience in the Philippines

What is the financial impact of CARD’s health protection schemes on the MFI itself?

Does Microfinance Mean Lesser Government Intervention?

Is microfinance the answer to all poverty problems?

Efficiency and Gender Concerns: Issues Confronting the Philippine Credit Cooperatives

Analyzing the efficiency of the credit cooperative system in Philippines

Supervision and Support of High-quality Group-based Nonformal Education Services: Use of Observation Checklists in Supervision

A detailed description of Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program
Case Study

A Second Look at Credit Crunch: The Philippine Case

How real is the credit crunch?

Credit Crunch! Credit Crunch! Credit Crunch?

Should banks in the Philippines loosen their lending policy to overcome the credit crunch?

Loan Guarantee Programs for Small-scale Borrowers: Are they Working?

The Philippine experience of loan guarantee scheme for small scale borrowers

It Pays to Lend to Poor Women

Micro credit helps women break the cycle of poverty

Credit Guarantees: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge and New Avenues of Research

Can innovative approaches solve the debate about credit guarantees?