All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 14

Performance Evaluation Framework for Government-Sponsored Health Insurance Programmes

Highlighting key indicators to help programs make effective and sustainable management decisions

Leveraging Health Microinsurance to Promote Universal Health Coverage

Outlining the roles of private actors in the expansion of universal health coverage

The Macroeconomics of Microfinance

Analyzing macroeconomic effects of microfinance

IFC Mobile Money Study 2011 – Summary Report

Examining the adoption and development of mobile money

Recovery from the Tsunami Disaster: Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development through Microfinance

Identifying "opportunities for impact" in Tsunami recovery projects

USAID Tsunami Reconstruction Update Oct 2005

Information on the progress of post-tsunami reconstruction initiatives by USAID
Case Study

The Challenge of Sustainable Outreach: How can Public Banks Contribute to Outreach in Rural Areas? Five Case Studies from Asia

Evaluating the challenges in outreach faced by rural finance practitioners

Effects on Microfinance of the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis

What are the impacts of the 1997 Asian financial crisis on microfinance institutions in the region?