All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Case Study

Responsible Agricultural Practices of a Cocoa Buying Company in Ghana

This case study shares extensive recommendations to the trader, its financial investors, the government, and other stakeholders based on the findings. 


Mobile-Enabled Economic Identities for Smallholder Farmers in Ghana

Digitizing and documenting the economic behavior of end users
Guide / Toolkit

Guide to the Use of Digital Financial Services in Agriculture

Tool for identifying chronic value chain challenges and corresponding solutions

Impact Analysis of Microfinance on Crop production in Ghana

Studying the relationship between microfinance and crop production in Ghana

Agricultural Decisions after Relaxing Credit and Risk Constraints

Identifying factors that contribute to investment decisions of smallholder farmers in Ghana

Cashless Value Chain Crop-financing by CARD: A Partnership Model

Financing small farmers through cashless model
Case Study

The Shea Value Chain Reinforcement Initiative in Ghana: Case Study

Empowering women through microfinance and technology

The Impact of Microfinance on Maize Farmers in Nkoranza (Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana)

Analyzing impact of microfinance on social and economic well-being

Ghana: Inventory Credit for Small-Scale Farmers

How can warehouse receipt systems help small-scale farmers?