All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 51

Literature Review: Micro and Small Enterprise (MSEs’) Financing in Kenya, Uganda and India

The Literature Review delves into the landscape of women-owned nano and micro-enterprises in India, Kenya, and Uganda, summarizing the existing knowledge and gaps, with the aim of unlocking more capital and effectively meeting these enterprises' financial and non-financial needs.

Slide Deck

Putting Agents to Use: Insights From a Multicountry Research on Customer’s Usage of CICO Agents

This report shares strategies for enhancing customer retention among cash-in and cash-out (CICO) agents.


Advancing Financial Inclusion Through Platform-Enabled Financial Services: Exploring Key Segments in Low- And Middle-Income Countries

This report highlights the actions that should be taken by countries, firms, and development actors to maximize the potential of digital platforms to contribute to low-income livelihoods and increase financial inclusion.

Slide Deck

Global Landscape: Data Trails of Digitally Included Poor (DIP) People

This reading deck puts a spotlight on the specific data trails generated by digitally included yet poor people, the sources of these data trails, and variations of data trails across different segmentations.


Customer-Centric and Responsible Digital Credit Solutions for Urban and Rural Non-farm Entrepreneurs and Smallholder Farmers

This analysis of digital credit users in India, Indonesia, and Kenya assesses the impact of digital credit on their financial health.


No Small Business: A Segmented Approach to Better Finance for Micro and Small Enterprises

This Focus Note advocates the importance of a segmented approach to addressing micro and small enterprises (MSE) needs and focuses on MSEs with up to 20 employees.


How Can Financial Services Support Platform Work? Insights from Five Emerging Markets

Based on research with platforms and their workers across five countries, this report describes the platform ecosystem in emerging markets, the experiences of workers and sellers in key sectors, and how financial services can help these workers improve their livelihoods.

Slide Deck

Women in the Platform Economy: Emerging Insights

This slide deck shares female workers’ experiences and how financial services can help make platforms more inclusive.


Women & Money: Insights and a Path to Close the Gender Gap

This paper presents research findings on the key challenges women face in accessing digital financial services and the design opportunities for the financial sector, policymakers and regulators, the philanthropic sector, NGOs, and designers everywhere.


Agent Network Journeys Toward the Last Mile: A Cross-Country Perspective December 2020

This Focus Note reveals three distinct journeys country stakeholders have taken to extend the reach and quality of rural agent networks in China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, and Kenya.