All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 17

Insights into Financial Behavior and Knowledge of Children and Youth in Selected Countries from South-Eastern Europe

Survey findings on youth financial literacy, money management and attitudes

The Regional Financial Inclusion Landscape of Youth Bank Accounts: Selected Country Cases from Central and Eastern Europe

Analyzing available savings products and financial education programs for youth
Case Study

Microfinance Regulatory and Policy Assessment in SADC: Case Study of Namibia, Tanzania, and Zambia

Designing an efficient microfinance regulatory framework for Southern African Countries
Case Study

Namibia: A Post Office Leading the Way for Financial Inclusion in Africa

Case study analyzing the successful model of the Namibia Post Office Savings Bank

Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy: Lessons from Nine Country Studies

Strengthening financial consumer protection and financial literacy in emerging markets

Croatian Challenges with Microfinance

Defining the most appropriate microfinance for Croatia

Trade in Financial Services: Mobile Banking in Southern Africa

Providing a safe regulatory environment for cross-border branchless banking

Microeconomy in Rural Namibia

Facilitating economic development in rural areas through microfinance

Undermining Sustainable Local Economic and Social Development with Microfinance: Evidence from Croatia

Presented at the Conference "An Enterprise Odyssey: Tourism, Governance and Entrepreneurship," 2008

Gender, HIV/AIDS and Rural Livelihoods: Micro-Level Investigations in Three African Countries

Mitigating HIV/AIDS impact at household level