All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 46

India Annual Benchmark Report

This report includes key financial and operational indicators that provide a country overview, indicator level performance and institutional details.


The Bharat Microfinance Report 2016

An in-depth review of primary data on India's microfinance sector

Outreach Performance and Financial Sustainability of Interest-free Microfinance Institutions in Alappuzha, Kerala

Is there a relationship between poverty outreach and financial performance?

All India Benchmark Tables: Indian Microfinance Sector FY 2013-14

Analyzing the performance of Indian MFIs in FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14
Case Study

Does the Classic Microfinance Model Discourage Entrepreneurship Among the Poor? Experimental Evidence from India

Assessing the effects of a microfinance model in the aspect of varying payment schedules

Assessing Agent Profitability: MicroSave's Agent Journal Studies

Highlighting the importance of agents'’ profitability in the banking correspondent model

The Answer is “Yes”—Cost and Willingness to Pay in India

Evaluating Indian customers willingness to pay for business correspondents
Case Study

Costs of Health Education and Health Product Distribution: Bandhan's Experience in India

Analyzing costs and revenues associated with provision of health services