All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 18

Getting Repaid in Asset Finance: A Guide to Managing Credit Risk

This Technical Guide summarizes the lessons learned from engagements with 15 asset finance companies in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia between 2018 and 2020 and offers suggestions on credit risk management.


Voices: An Assessment of Perceived Risks Facing Microfinance Sector in Arab World

Rating twenty-six risks in terms of their severity and offering explanations for their prevalence

Risks to Microfinance in Pakistan: Findings from a Risk Assessment Survey - 2014

Identifying and ranking risks faced by the microfinance sector in Pakistan

Microfinance Banana Skins 2014: The CSFI Survey of Microfinance Risk

Chronicling the risks in the microfinance industry

Kenya Credit Information Sharing Initiative – A Progress Report 2008-2011: Challenges and Opportunities

Evaluating the credit information sharing initiative in Kenya

The Andhra Pradesh Microfinance Crisis in India: Manifestation, Causal Analysis, and Regulatory Response

Discussing the microfinance crisis in Andhra Pradesh, India

Microfinance Banana Skins 2011: Losing its Fairy Dust

Analyzing risks facing the microfinance industry

Risks to Microfinance in Pakistan: Findings from a Risk Assessment Survey

What are the risks faced by Pakistan’s microfinance sector?

State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report 2012

Exploring solutions to challenges facing the microfinance sector