All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 73

Analyzing Microcredit Interest Rates: A Review of the Methodology Proposed by Mohammed Yunus

Identifying solutions for bringing affordable credit to the poor

Interest Rates and Implications for Microfinance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Offering lower interest rates to clients by improving operational efficiency

Interest Rate Policy

Discussing the interest rate policy dilemma
Guide / Toolkit

Product Costing and Performance Analysis: A Toolkit for Analyzing Associations' Service Offerings

Guidelines for associations to achieve long-term financial sustainability

The Need for Pricing Transparency in Microfinance

Ensuring a new level of understanding and openness

Interest Rate Ethics: An Aspect of Social Performance in Microfinance

Introducing interest rate ethics in social performance criteria

Sensitivity of Loan Size to Lending Rates: Evidence from Ghana's Microfinance Sector

Testing elasticity of loan size to change in interest rates

Microfinance and Moneylender Interest Rate: Evidence from Bangladesh

Impact of microfinance programs on moneylender interest rates

Definition of a Standard Measure for Consumer Interest Rates in Kenya: A Scoping Study

Developing options for a standard measure for consumer interest rates in Kenya