All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 26
Guide / Toolkit

How to Develop an Institutional Code of Ethics

Formulating an institutional Code of Ethics that ensures client protection

Subjectivity in Credit Allocation to Microentrepreneurs: Evidence From Brazil

Are loan officers biased in granting loans?
Guide / Toolkit

Universal Corporate Governance Code for Microfinance Institutions

Outlining the importance of good corporate governance of MFIs
Case Study

SPM in Practice: Pro Mujer (Bolivia)

Reaching out to poor women through integrated services

How Enabling is the Latin American Environment for Mobile Money?

Examining regulatory environment for mobile money in Latin America

The Commercialization of Microfinance in Latin America

Regulating the commercialization of MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Loan Officer Manual: Banco Solidario

Training loan officers to avoid client over-indebtedness

To Whom Should We Be Fair? Ethical Issues in Balancing Stakeholder Interests from Banco Compartamos Case Study

Discussing ethical issues in the governance of socially oriented enterprises

Best Practices in Collections Strategies

Considerations for MFIs when implementing collection activities
Case Study

Case of Mixtlan Rural Cooperative, Mexico: Does Being Federated Help Remote Outreach?

Offering stability and outreach through member-owned federations