Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results
Case Study

Female Microenterprises and the Fly-paper Effect: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Ghana

Can capital grants alone generate business growth among women's enterprises?

Spatial and Socio-economic Dimensions of Clients of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana

Improving MFI targeting in Ghana
Guide / Toolkit

Supporting Women's ICT-Based Enterprises: A Handbook for Agencies in Development

Manual to help promote, initiate and improve women's ICT-based micro and small enterprise
Case Study

Gender Access to Credit Under Ghana's Financial Sector Reform: A Case Study of Two Rural Banks in the Central Region of Ghana

Has the gender access to credit increased due to financial liberalization in Ghana?

Credit with Education Impact Review No. 1: Women's Empowerment

Has Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program actually helped empower its women clients?

Credit With Education: A Self-Financing Way to Empower Women

A new approach to empowering women

Access to Credit for Poor Women: A Scale-up Study of Projects Carried out by Freedom from Hunger in Mali and Ghana

Analyzing Freedom from Hunger's village banking program in Mali and Ghana