All Publications

Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Case Study

From 1% to 30%: the Journey of the Philippines Towards Responsible Digital Payments

This case study examines the success story of the Philippines by diving into the key decisions made by the government and private sector in accelerating the adoption of responsible digital payments.

Case Study

The Future of Government-to-Person (G2P) Payments: Innovating for Customer Choice in Kenya

Case study examining Inua Jamii's process of reaching the most vulnerable groups in Kenya
Case Study

The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer Choice in Zambia

Documenting the process of developing an innovative, choice-based digital payments system
Case Study

Humanitarian Payment Digitisation: Focus on Uganda’s Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement

Leveraging mobile money bulk payment offerings to deliver humanitarian cash transfers
Case Study

Paying School Fees with Mobile Money in Côte d’Ivoire

A public-private partnership to achieve greater efficiency
Case Study

Colombia’s Online E-Payments Platform: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision

Highlighting lessons learned from the success story of a Colombian electronic payments platform
Case Study

Cheaper, Faster, Better? A Case Study of New Technologies in Cash Transfers from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Comparing the efficiency of different cash transfer mechanisms
Case Study

After Watan: The Contributions of a G2P Payments Program to Building a Branchless Banking Industry

How to expand branchless banking through G2P payments in Pakistan following a natural disaster