All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 351

State of the Practice: Savings Group Linkages 2024

Based on interviews with 46 practitioners across various sectors, this report delineates the contemporary landscape of linkages between informal savings groups and formal financial services.


Universal Basic Income: Short-Term Results From a Long-Term Experiment in Kenya

This study examines the the consequences of universal basic income in the context of a unique field experiment in rural Kenya.


Voices of India’s MSMEs: Insights Notes From the Diaries Access to Finance

This note discusses examples from MSC's Financial Diaries research on informal enterprises and provides recommendations for policymakers and financial service providers to address the credit gap for them.


Digitizing BeninCajù Savings Groups - Final Project Report

This report shares important insights about the benefits of Village Savings and Lending Associations transitioning from paper to digital ledgers using the DreamSave app.


Savings Products for Low-Income Customers

This brief describes strategies adopted by a broad range of financial service providers to sustainably serve savings group members and other low-income savers.


Driving Financial Resilience Through Formal Savings Among the Low-Income Population

Based on customer research in Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and Uganda, this paper provides a synthesis of findings that help understand to what extent savings allowed customers to increase their financial resilience.


Driving Formal Savings: What Works for Low-Income Women

Building on findings from a recent customer research, this learning paper aims to understand of what services female customers value, prioritize and need.


Remote Coaching to Prevent Dormancy Among Low-Income Savers

Research findings from Uganda sharing results from qualitative interviews with women who report greater sense of trust and relationship with the bank and improved saving behavior as a result of coaching.


Drivers of Financial Services Innovation

This note presents the innovation drivers and competencies as key to developing innovative financial services that meet customer needs.