All Publications

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Case Study

Promoting Inclusive Green Finance in Agriculture

This publication seeks to contribute towards filling the current knowledge gap on inclusive green finance by presenting a series of concrete case studies that touch upon different aspects of green finance in agriculture, with a specific, overarching focus on the promotion of sustainable small-scale agricultural production.

Case Study

Responsible Agricultural Practices of a Cocoa Buying Company in Ghana

This case study shares extensive recommendations to the trader, its financial investors, the government, and other stakeholders based on the findings. 


Scaling Responsible Digital Payments in the Indonesian Cocoa Sector

For digital payments to be meaningful for farmers, the study finds that digitization needs to be strongly linked to access to a broader suite of financial services, to unlock farm investments and smooth day-to-day consumption. 

Guide / Toolkit

Rural Women and Financial Inclusion

The purpose of this document is to highlight practical approaches put forward by the sector to guide the work of practitioners in promoting gender-responsive financial inclusion through the design and delivery of appropriate services and products.

Guide / Toolkit

Rural Women and Financial Inclusion

This document highlights practical and actionable approaches from the sector in order to guide the work of practitioners focused on improving the gender-responsiveness of design and delivery of rural finance interventions.

Guide / Toolkit

How to Foster Access to Finance for Women in the Agri-food Sector

This publication provides guidance on the challenges of promoting opportunities for improved livelihoods and better economic and social resilience for women engaged in the agri-food sector through access to financial services. 

Case Study

Increasing Access to Formal Financial Services

This learning brief describes three models that USAID-funded Feed the Future Rural Resilience Activity utilized to provide formal financial services, in particular credit and savings, to previously excluded populations in Northeast Nigeria.


Climate-Related Development Finance to Agrifood Systems

This publication addresses the persistent knowledge gap related to climate finance to agrifood systems, providing data and information to support countries making informed decisions towards agrifood systems transformation.


Fintech Innovation for Smallholder Agriculture: A Review of Experiences

This publication analyzes and illustrates some of the most interesting business models and innovations brought forward by fintech companies that have sought to address the common financing constraints associated with small-scale agriculture around the world.