All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 347
Guide / Toolkit

Open Finance Self-Assessment Tool and Development Roadmap

This technical guide introduces the open finance self-assessment tool and development roadmap. It provides practical tools for policymakers to use to decide whether to implement an open finance regime to advance financial inclusion.


The Impact of Mobile Money Interoperability on Financial Inclusion

This report assesses the impact of mobile money interoperability by considering the economic literature on interoperability more generally and utilizing a case study approach in five mobile money countries: Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania.


Fintech for Who? Demand for Digital Financial Services and Fintech in Tanzania

This paper explores the drivers of demand for digital financial services and fintech: perceived cost, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and social norms.

Slide Deck

Scaling up Access to Finance in Kigoma, Tanzania

This study shares lessons learned in building financial and digital capability while introducing agricultural technology interventions to savings groups through the UN Kigoma Joint Program.

Case Study

What it Takes: Insights From Women Leaders in Financial Inclusion

This case study research shares the insights of past program participants in order to motivate other aspiring women leaders, provoke conversation, and inspire new career pathways.


Women & Money: Insights and a Path to Close the Gender Gap

This paper presents research findings on the key challenges women face in accessing digital financial services and the design opportunities for the financial sector, policymakers and regulators, the philanthropic sector, NGOs, and designers everywhere.

Case Study

Case Studies of Multisectoral Approaches to Integrating Digital Financial Services for Women’s Financial Inclusion

This case study explores whether the use of DFS can be used to accelerate women’s financial inclusion and reduce gender inequality in sectors other than financial service - health, agriculture and MSME. 


Business Her Own Way: Creating Livelihoods Through Informal Online Commerce

This Focus Note outlines the characteristics of informal online commerce (IOC), maps the personas of the women who engage in it, and provides guidance to funders looking to support women to generate livelihoods through IOC.


Pakistan Housing Finance: Is There a Business Case for Financial Institutions?

This study highlights the need for financial institutions to expand into housing finance across different income segments—particularly low and middle income households—and regions.


Understanding Micro- and Small-Growth Entrepreneurs in Vietnam, Pakistan and Peru

This report provides an overview of "the current state of strivers" across these countries with an aim to understand the emerging unmet needs through market assessments.