All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 134

Connecting the Remittance Ecosystem in the Northern Triangle

This white paper examines the barriers and opportunities to boosting digital remittances in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Guide / Toolkit

IFAD Remittance Innovation Toolkit

This toolkit provides practical guidance for regulators and remittance service providers on how to assess national regulatory environments to identify opportunities for innovation in know your customer and customer due diligence processes to enhance remittance access.


Remittances Remain Resilient but Are Slowing

This brief includes describes key developments in remittance flows and provides projections of remittance trends in 2023 in light of a slowing global economy, continued high inflation and increased interest rates, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the conflict in Sudan.


Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean in 2021: Migrant Efforts During the COVID-19 Crisis

This  report  focuses on the flows of remittances received by each country and sub-region in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2021 and hopes to provide input for decision-making on migration and remittances. 


Defying the Odds: Remittances During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This paper provides an early assessment of the dynamics and drivers of remittances during the COVID-19 pandemic, using a newly compiled monthly remittance dataset for a sample of 52 countries, of which 16 countries with bilateral remittance data.


Harnessing Digitization for Remittances in Asia and the Pacific

This report discusses the importance of remittances in Asia and the Pacific, the key challenges faced by the industry, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.


No Easy Solution: A Smorgasbord of Factors Drive Remittance Costs

This paper delves deeply into the complex remittances ecosystem where costs are driven by a myriad of factors, making it difficult to come up with solutions for reducing remittance costs.


Fintech Potential for Remittance Transfers: A Central America Perspective

This paper analyzes the potential for fintech to facilitate cheaper and more efficient remittances, and to enhance financial inclusion in Central America.


Resilience: COVID-19 Crisis Through a Migration Lens

This Migration and Development Brief provides updates on global trends in migration and remittances highlighting developments related to migration-related SDG indicators.


Impact of COVID-19 on the Yemeni Economy

How the drop in remittances affected economic sectors, food systems, and households