All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 168
Case Study

Scaling Responsible Digital Payments in the Indonesian Cocoa Sector

This case study shares findings from a first-of-its-kind sizing exercise to assess opportunities for digital financial inclusion for smallholder cocoa farmers.

Case Study

The Role Regulators Play in Closing the Financial Inclusion Gender Gap: A Case Study of Fiji

This case study explores the steps being taken by the Reserve Bank of Fiji to increase women's financial inclusion.

Case Study

From 1% to 30%: the Journey of the Philippines Towards Responsible Digital Payments

This case study examines the success story of the Philippines by diving into the key decisions made by the government and private sector in accelerating the adoption of responsible digital payments.

Case Study

Informed Design: A Case Study Series (UNCDF/WMBL)

This study examines Women's Micro Bank Limited and UNCDF's design of a branchless banking solution, the Mama Bank Access Point initiative, which serves unbanked women in rural Papua New Guinea. 

Case Study

Informed Design: A Case Study Series (Lucy)

The second installment in a new case study series from FinEquity on informed design and digital financial services (DFS). This study examines product and service design by Lucy, a neobank for entrepreneurial women—specifically Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore—providing DFS and business-building tools and training through a mobile app to help them start and grow their businesses. 

Case Study

Malayan Insurance, Philippines – The Case for Insuring Women for a Better Tomorrow

This case study showcases the business case for women's insurance in the Philippines.

Case Study

Insular Life, Philippines – The Case for Insuring Women for a Better Tomorrow

This case study showcases the business case for women's insurance in the Philippines.

Case Study

Improving Access to Housing Microfinance Solutions Among Low-Income Households in the Philippines

Opportunities and challenges of designing housing products

Case Study

Women’s Demand for Financial Services in Conflict and Post Conflict Areas

Key findings from focus group discussions with 146 participants to understand women’s demand for financial services
Case Study

A Client Needs-Centred Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Understanding how and why customers use different types of financial services