All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 51

National Impact and Market Study of Microfinance in Jordan

Quantitative and qualitative information on the impact of participation in microfinance programs

The Challenges of Measuring Client Retention

A technical note on the history of microfinance's effort to measure client retention and improve it

Diagnostic Report on the Legal and Regulatory Environment for Microfinance in Jordan

A look at legal and regulatory changes that would improve the microfinance sector in Jordan

Commercialization of Microfinance in Jordan: Progress and Prospects

Leaping ahead in Jordan - the commercialization of microfinance

Regulatory Environment: The Jordanian Experience

Mainstreaming microfinance services in Jordan
Case Study

Women and Men in Rural Microfinance: The Case of Jordan

What contributes to economies of scale in microfinance institutions?

Improving the Social Protection of the Urban Poor and Near-Poor in Jordan - The Potential of Micro-Insurance

Can micro-insurance reduce the vulnerability of urban population groups?

Preparation of a Business Plan and Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Credit Bureau in Jordan: Final Report

Studying compatible factors for the establishment of a successful Credit Bureau in Jordan

Jordan: Banking Law of 2000

Law governing banks and banking activities in Jordan

Profile of the Uninsured in Jordan

Who are the uninsured, how many are they and where do they live?