All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 463

Inclusive Finance for Food Security & Nutrition

This paper presents a conceptual landscape of the topic of Food Security and Nutrition, explores the role that the inclusive finance sector can play in reducing food insecurity.


Investor Roadmap for Inclusive Green Growth

This collaborative report shares new research that highlights the commercial impetus to accelerate a wave of green investment into emerging markets.


Supervising Inclusive Financial Sectors

This TC Note brings together principles and practices related to financial sector oversight that are relevant to financial inclusion, including proportionate regulation, risk-based supervision, and consumer empowerment.


The Financial Inclusion Compass 2023

The Financial I­nclusion Compass is an annual survey of financial inclusion stakeholders to better understand perspectives on current trends, future priority areas, challenges, opportunities and beyond. 


The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Young Women’s Well-Being

This working paper finds that in addition to improving financial skills and savings levels, financial inclusion initiatives may also improve health and livelihood outcomes for young women when combined with other interventions.

Guide / Toolkit

The Privacy as Product Playbook

This playbook, first-of-its-kind for the inclusive finance sector, aims to fill that gap and demonstrate a comprehensive way to integrate responsible data practices into the design process.


Supervising Migrant Insurance and Pensions

This TC Note explains why insurance and pensions for migrant workers is an important area of focus for supervisors.

Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Services for Financial Inclusion: Tools for Supervisors

This Technical Guide was created to provide practical guidance and set strong foundations for digital financial services supervision.

Slide Deck

Engaging Financial Services Providers in the Context of G2P Choice

This deck aims to help implementers of G2P choice programs in better reaching recipients and achieving program objectives.

Guide / Toolkit

Financial Confidence Playbook

This Playbook offers a design guide for product teams and research organizations focused on digital financial services for the last mile.