All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 22
Case Study

Making Financial Services Accessible to Low-Income Populations Through Financial Education and Social Empowerment

This study illustrates how digitalization can improve financial inclusion, customer experience, and operational efficiency for low-income populations and financial institutions.

Guide / Toolkit

Open Finance Self-Assessment Tool and Development Roadmap

This technical guide introduces the open finance self-assessment tool and development roadmap. It provides practical tools for policymakers to use to decide whether to implement an open finance regime to advance financial inclusion.


Indigenous Financial Service Research in Kenya, Ghana, and Togo

MSC conducted qualitative research in Kenya, Ghana and Togo and found that Indigenous Financial Services (IFS), such as rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs), informal moneylenders and burial societies play a critical role in driving access to finance for micro and small enterprises (MSEs).


Establishing a Financial Services Ombudsman in Mongolia: Experiences and Lessons From Armenia, Australia, and Singapore

This paper shares insights from three long-standing financial alternative dispute resolution systems in Armenia, Australia, and Singapore with a goal to help strengthen financial consumer protection in Mongolia and other countries.


Microfinance Clients Facing the COVID-19 Crisis: From Findings to Action for MFIs

This publication presents the main results of MFI client surveys in seven countries (Bhutan, Myanmar, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Cape Verde and El Salvador), as well as the concrete measures taken by MFIs to meet the needs expressed by their clients.


Assessment of the Effects and Behavioural Changes of Financial and Non-Financial Services on Youth

Financial diaries study of 280 YouthStart participants in Togo and Ethiopia
Case Study

Togo: Postal Financial Inclusion through Mobile Agencies

Case study analyzing the success factors and challenges of the Togolese Post's mobile initiative

Financial Inclusion and Microfinance: On the Cases of ODA and Analysis of the Poverty Reduction Effect

Developing microfinance official development assistance projects for poverty reduction in Korea

2010 WAEMU Microfinance Analysis & Benchmarking Report

Assessing performance of the microfinance sector in WAEMU
Case Study

Compare: Practices & Results of a Selection of Solar Power/Microfinance Projects in West Africa

Promoting development in poor communities by self-sufficient and sustaining activities