All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 18

Indigenous Financial Service Research in Kenya, Ghana, and Togo

MSC conducted qualitative research in Kenya, Ghana and Togo and found that Indigenous Financial Services (IFS), such as rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs), informal moneylenders and burial societies play a critical role in driving access to finance for micro and small enterprises (MSEs).


Savings at the Frontier: Evidence Mapping on Informal Savings Mechanisms

Demand and supply of financial services for savings groups in sub-Saharan Africa

Credit on the Cusp: Strengthening Credit Markets for Upward Mobility in Africa

How credit can help support the emergence of a middle class

Health Microinsurance Scheme Design and Pricing: Lessons from Four Countries

Designing effective health microinsurance schemes at best prices

Inclusive Finance for Housing: Exploring Viable Business Models

Investigating issues faced by MFIs in developing housing microfinance products

Testing the Waters: YouthSave Pilot Results from Three Markets

Presenting results from a pilot study of youth savings accounts in four countries

Establishment and Expansion of Islamic Microfinance Instituitions (MFIs) in Africa by Farz Foundation

Expanding Islamic microfinance activities into Africa

Financial Knowledge and Attitudes of Youth in Ghana

Discussing the factors that guide youth’s' attitudes towards savings

Product Pilot Report: Youth Savings Performance in Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal

Testing a pilot savings product on low-income youth in Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal

Youth in the Ghana Experiment: Characteristics and Living Conditions

Has YouthSave's Ghana Experiment selected the right target population?