All Publications

Showing 1 - 7 of 7

Driving Financial Resilience Through Formal Savings Among the Low-Income Population

Based on customer research in Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and Uganda, this paper provides a synthesis of findings that help understand to what extent savings allowed customers to increase their financial resilience.


Finance in Displacement: Joint Lessons Report

This study brings to light the challenges forcibly displaced persons face in accessing economic opportunities and puts forth a financial health framework for measuring progress against these challenges.

Case Study

A Case Study on Connecting With Low-income Customers Through Digitalisation

This case study draws upon management consulting literature to assess digitalization strategies and evaluates three leading financial organizations in Morocco, Kenya and Ghana against this framework.


COVID-19 and Refugees’ Economic Opportunities, Financial Services and Digital Inclusion

Addressing structural and practical barriers to refugees’ financial and economic inclusion


Taking Stock: Financial Education Initiatives for the Poor

Increasing outreach through financial education

Financial Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa: Analysis and Roadmap Recommendations

Improving financial access through microfinance

UNDP Microfinance Assessment Report: Bahrain

What is the present and future of microfinance in Bahrain?