All Publications

Showing 1 - 9 of 9
Case Study

Supporting "Generation Start-up": Opportunities for Microfinance Institutions

Taking stock of the general start-up ecosystem and the potential role of microfinance

Public Sector - Operated Price Comparison Websites: Case Studies and Good Practices

Providing guidance on operating price comparison websites

Fostering Gender Equality: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

Analyzing the entrepreneurial environment for women in European countries

Feasibility Study for the Development of the Microfinance Sector in Israel

Examining potential to develop microfinance in Israel

Finance and Guarantees in Rural Development

Cooperatives and the essential triangle of production

Model of Secondary and Tertiary Cooperatives as Support of the Primary Cooperative

Assessing cooperative development in provision of credit, inputs and marketing

Small Business Promotion and Microlending: A Comparative Assessment of Jamaican and Israeli NGOs

How much does institutional bureaucracy influence organisational outcomes?

Credit Guarantees: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge and New Avenues of Research

Can innovative approaches solve the debate about credit guarantees?
Case Study

Proposed Small and Microenterprise Program Activities for USAID in Hungary: The GEORGETTE Project

Helping small and medium enterprises in Hungary