All Publications

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Guide / Toolkit

Open Finance Self-Assessment Tool and Development Roadmap

This technical guide introduces the open finance self-assessment tool and development roadmap. It provides practical tools for policymakers to use to decide whether to implement an open finance regime to advance financial inclusion.

Slide Deck

Global Landscape: Data Trails of Digitally Included Poor (DIP) People

This reading deck puts a spotlight on the specific data trails generated by digitally included yet poor people, the sources of these data trails, and variations of data trails across different segmentations.


Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

This report focuses on building the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for customers to engage with digital financial services.


Investing in Women along Agribusiness Value Chains

Calling the private sector to invest in closing the gender gap in agribusiness

She for Shield: Insure Women to Better Protect All

Analysis of the women's insurance market globally and within 10 emerging markets

Bridging the Gender Gap: Mobile Access and Usage in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Why is it important for women to be connected?