All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 11

Tackling Ultra-Poverty through the Graduation Approach

Situating Sustainable Livelihoods in the Landscape of Social Protection and Safety Nets

Trickle Up ULTRA POOR PROGRAMME Qualitative Assessment of Sustainability of Programme Outcomes

Qualitative Assessment of Trickle Up's Ultra Poor Program

Productive Safety Nets for Women in Extreme Poverty: Lessons from Pilot Projects in India and Pakistan

SOAS Discussion Paper: Analyzing Programme Implementations in West Bengal, India and Sindh, Pakistan

Graduation Lessons Learned From Bandhan’s Targeting the Hard Core Poor Program in Urban Settings

Lessons learned from the implementation of THP in urban settings

Targeting the Hard-Core Poor: An Impact Assessment

Impact Assessment of the Targeting the Hard Core Poor Pilot in West Bengal, India

Targeting the Poorest: A Solutions for the Poorest Use Case

Facilitating comparisons across projects and geographies
Case Study

Microfinance Engagements of the 'Graduated' TUP Members

What drives ultra-poor womens' engagement in microfinance?