All Publications

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Carping Critics and the Microfinance Conundrum

Based on its recent impact assessment study of Cambodian microfinance, M-CRIL has written two advisory notes which examine the validity of some of the sensational international headlines and propose reform measures for the sector.

Guide / Toolkit

Impact Assessment of Financial Service Providers: Market Conduct Risk-Based Supervision Guideline Note

This guideline note is meant to assist policymakers in developing impact assessment frameworks, under the MC-RBS umbrella and the overarching goals of financial consumer protection policy.

Case Study

Application of CGAP Customer Outcomes Framework in Uganda

This case study tests the impact of a new basic savings product positioned in the financial inclusion market using the CGAP customer outcome indicator framework.

Slide Deck

Customer Outcomes-Based Approach to Consumer Protection: A Guide to Measuring Outcomes

This reading deck summarizes lessons from a pilot exercise that involved the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and five FSPs in South Africa focused on measuring intermediate customer outcomes from a supervisory perspective. 


The Microfinance Crisis: The Developpement international Desjardins Point of View

Explaining Developpement international Desjardins' views on microfinance issues

Does Microfinance Cause or Reduce Suicides? Policy Recommendations for Reducing Borrower Stress

Exploring impact of microfinance on suicides

Microfinance and the Dynamics of Financial Vulnerability: Lessons from Rural South India

How does microfinance impact clients' financial vulnerability and indebtedness?