All Publications

Showing 1 - 9 of 9
Case Study

How Providers Can Build Products That Improve Financial Health: Examples From Mexico and Chile

This paper shares the key challenges, learnings, and overall results from five case studies in Chile and Mexico, uncovering best practices on how to design for and influence financial health.

Case Study

A Client Needs-Centred Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Understanding how and why customers use different types of financial services

Information Disclosure and Demand Elasticity of Financial Products: Evidence from a Multi-Country Study

Testing the effectiveness of simplified disclosure formats in Peru and Mexico

Financial (Dis-)Information: Evidence from a Multi-Country Audit Study

Review of the regulatory environment for low-income households in Ghana, Mexico and Peru
Guide / Toolkit

How to Develop an Institutional Code of Ethics

Formulating an institutional Code of Ethics that ensures client protection

Beyond Codes: The Foundation for Client Protection in Microfinance

Examining practical cases of how consumer protection codes of conduct are implemented
Case Study

Customized IT at Caja Morelia Safeguards Client Data

Ensuring client data protection through data management system
Case Study

Collections with Dignity at FinComún

Examining appropriate collections practices at FinComún, Mexico
Guide / Toolkit

Conducting Client Protection Assessments: A Guide

Evaluating MFIs' implementation of client protection principles