All Publications

Showing 1 - 9 of 9

Health and Microfinance: Leveraging the Strengths of Two Sectors to Alleviate Poverty

Should MFIs provide health related services in addition to financial services?

The Business Case for Adding Health Protection to Microfinance

What are the benefits to MFIs of offering health protection products?
Guide / Toolkit

Country-Level Savings Assessment Tool: Improving the Supply of Deposit Services for Poor People

Guide to Country Level Savings Assessment Tool application in microfinance
Case Study

Enhancing the Impact of Microfinance: Client Demand for Health Protection Services on Three Continents

Potential of microfinance as a platform for delivering complementary health services

Lessons Learnt from Guarantee Funds: The example of the International Guarantee Fund (IGF)

Achieving self-sustainability for guarantee funds

Apex Microfinance Institutions: A Review of Their Record

Examining the resaons why apex organizations have performed disappointingly

Comparative Analysis of Savings Mobilization Strategies

Analyzing the savings mobilization strategies of six institutions
Case Study

The Private Sector and Development: Five Case Studies (Vol.1)

Has IFC's investments made a contribution to economic growth in its host countries?