Financial Inclusion in Cambodia

FinDev Gateway provides the latest publications, news, events, and job opportunities related to financial inclusion in nearly all countries across the globe. This country page allows you to dive into the available knowledge resources and data specifically for Cambodia.


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Key Financial Inclusion Data

Explore key financial inclusion trends prevalent in Cambodia, encompassing important aspects such as account ownership and usage, the gender disparity in financial inclusion, and financial resilience, based on the latest available Global Findex data. Find out how the country compares to others in the region and across the globe. 

Account Ownership

Percent of adults age 15+ with an account at a financial institution or through a mobile money provider. Regional data excludes high-income economies.

Source: Global Findex Database

Gender Gap in Account Ownership

Percent of adults age 15+ with an account. Regional data excludes high-income economies.

Source: Global Findex Database

Use of Financial Services

Percent of adults age 15+. Regional data excludes high-income economies .

Source: Global Findex Database

Based on its recent impact assessment study of Cambodian microfinance, M-CRIL has written two advisory notes which examine the validity of some of the sensational international headlines and propose reform measures for the sector.


This impact assessment aims to understand the success and overall impact of the microfinance sector since the start-up of the microfinance program in Cambodia up to today.


This report sets out the results from supporting 17 garment factories in Cambodia with over 25,000 workers, 85 percent women, with wage digitalization, and enabling workers to access, use and benefit from their accounts.

Project Advisor – ICCAP (Inclusive Climate Finance for Vulnerable Communities in Asia Pacific)

Employer: ADA