Financial Inclusion in Fiji

Fiji is a country in East Asia and Pacific. On this country page, you can find key financial inclusion knowledge resources available specifically for Fiji, including the latest publications, news and events. 

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Case Study

This case study explores the steps being taken by the Reserve Bank of Fiji to increase women's financial inclusion.


The Small Firm Diaries is a global research initiative to better understand small firms in low-income neighborhoods of developing countries, especially the barriers to growth such firms face, through high frequency quantitative and qualitative data collection (“financial diaries”).


This publication focuses on promoting meso-level insurance products designed for development banks, microfinance institutions, provident/pension funds, associations, and cooperatives through the UNCDF-led Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme.

News & Events

Members of the financial inclusion community contributed the following news and events.

Project Advisor – ICCAP (Inclusive Climate Finance for Vulnerable Communities in Asia Pacific)

Employer: ADA