
An Overview of the G2P Payments Sector in India

Examining the G2P Payments Sector in India

CGAP has an ongoing focus on branchless banking in India and on G2P globally. The authors of this note visited India from June 27-July 1, 2011, to gain a better understanding of the G2P space as it relates to financial inclusion. This note is a summary based on the visit and the meetings held with various stakeholders. Our aim was to attempt to organize in one place a cross-cutting look at G2P from a national policy perspective. We have not attempted to offer an exhaustive analysis of all the issues around G2P in India nor the details of particular schemes, and we have deliberately avoided specific policy or business prescriptions. This document provides a structured framework for thinking about the complexity of G2P across various actors.

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By Breloff, P., Rotman, S.