All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 1138
Case Study

Leveraging Digital ID and e-KYC for the Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons: Risks and Opportunities

This report discusses the challenges and bottlenecks preventing the wider adoption of digital ID and e-KYC to advance the financial inclusion of forcibly displaced persons in Rwanda, Mauritania, and Eswatini.

Case Study

Leading and Managing Change to Reach Low-Income Savers in Nigeria: A Case Study of LAPO MFB

This LAPO Microfinance Bank case study shares lessons from their experience in developing and implementing a change management program to underpin its launch of a savings product.

Case Study

Lessons Learned "Index-Based Agricultural Insurance" - OKO in Mali

This document summarizes the findings of a survey OKO, an insurtech in Mali conducted with ADA's support, and the lessons learned from the project.

Case Study

Informed Design: A Case Study Series (UNCDF/WMBL)

This study examines Women's Micro Bank Limited and UNCDF's design of a branchless banking solution, the Mama Bank Access Point initiative, which serves unbanked women in rural Papua New Guinea. 

Case Study

Bancolombia: Financial Inclusion and Banking Correspondents

This case study goes in-depth on how the Bancolombia's agent network expansion strategy evolved and the agent network management models it developed to increase geographic coverage in a viable manner.

Case Study

Role of Technology in Scaling up the BC Sakhi Network in Uttar Pradesh: A Lesson for Other States

This case study charts how Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission used technology to strengthen the BC Sakhi (women business correspondent) network in the state in an effort to improve the status of financial inclusion among rural adults.

Case Study

Making Climate Risk Microinsurance Work

This case study captures a Guatemalan insurance company's journey of offering climate risk microinsurance, including details on the delivery model employed, financial performance, and key learnings.

Case Study

Informed Design: A Case Study Series (Lucy)

The second installment in a new case study series from FinEquity on informed design and digital financial services (DFS). This study examines product and service design by Lucy, a neobank for entrepreneurial women—specifically Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore—providing DFS and business-building tools and training through a mobile app to help them start and grow their businesses. 

Case Study

Informed Design: A Case Study Series (WomenSave)

The first in a new case study series from FinEquity on informed design and digital financial services (DFS). This study examines product and service design by WomenSave, an organization targeting poor (living on less than $2 a day) women in underserved areas of Uganda through financial literacy training and financial advisory services, access to mobile money and goal-based savings plans.

Case Study

What it Takes: Insights From Women Leaders in Financial Inclusion

This case study research shares the insights of past program participants in order to motivate other aspiring women leaders, provoke conversation, and inspire new career pathways.