All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 22
Case Study

Colombia's Ingreso Solidario: Improving Social Protection Through Public-Private Collaboration and Responsible Digital Payment Practices as Part of COVID-19 Emergency Response

This case study illustrates how designing programs responsibly can result in greater trust in digital financial services, leading to greater volumes of digital transactions, and increased use of digital savings and e-commerce services.

Case Study

Bancolombia: Financial Inclusion and Banking Correspondents

This case study goes in-depth on how the Bancolombia's agent network expansion strategy evolved and the agent network management models it developed to increase geographic coverage in a viable manner.

Case Study

Local Training Providers for Microinsurance Capacity Building

Lessons learned on developing high-quality and sustainable microinsurance training
Case Study

Colombia’s Coffee Growers Smart ID Card: Successfully Reaching Rural Communities with Digital Payments

Discussing the transition from cash payments to electronic payments for coffee farmers in Colombia
Case Study

Colombia’s Online E-Payments Platform: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision

Highlighting lessons learned from the success story of a Colombian electronic payments platform
Case Study

Emerging Risks to Consumer Protection in Branchless Banking: Key Findings from Colombia Case Study

Protecting users and mitigating risks in the use of mobile financial services in Colombia
Case Study

CREZCAMOS Colombia: Providing Transparent Information to Clients

Social performance management case study on four of the essential practices for transparency
Case Study

“The Right Touch” – Reducing Distribution Costs in Alternative Channels for Microinsurance

Determining efficient touch levels for microinsurance product delivery
Case Study

Microfinance in Latin America: The Leadership of WSBI Members

The report highlights the involvement of World Savings Bank Institute's members in microfinance.
Case Study

WWB Calí: Banco de Bogotá Loan Guarantee

How did loan guarantees from USAID help WWB, Cali?