All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 10
Case Study

A Client Needs-Centred Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Understanding how and why customers use different types of financial services
Case Study

A Client Needs-Centered Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Innovative financial inclusion data framework focused on customers financial needs
Case Study

Proportionality in Practice: Distribution

Lessons from supervisors on implementing proportionate regulation on access to insurance
Case Study

Scale: Thinking Big- Case Studies

Studying the drivers of scale in microinsurance
Case Study

Vittana's First 1500 Student Borrowers

Helping poor students access loans for higher education
Case Study

Partnering to Grow Poverty-focused Microfinance

Maintaining focus on poverty alleviation
Case Study

Enhancing the Impact of Microfinance: Client Demand for Health Protection Services on Three Continents

Potential of microfinance as a platform for delivering complementary health services
Case Study

Savings Mobilization Strategies: Lessons From Four Experiences

How can microfinance institutions successfully mobilize savings?