All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 309
Case Study

Insuring Women in Sri Lanka with AIA Insurance Lanka Limited

This case study explores how AIA Sri Lanka remained resilient and dedicated to becoming the preferred life insurer for women, at a time when addressing the gender protection gap was more needed than ever. 

Case Study

Role of Technology in Scaling up the BC Sakhi Network in Uttar Pradesh: A Lesson for Other States

This case study charts how Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission used technology to strengthen the BC Sakhi (women business correspondent) network in the state in an effort to improve the status of financial inclusion among rural adults.

Case Study

The Digital Journey of Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women (SME Loans): A Lesson for Progressive MFIs in Bangladesh

This case study charts how Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women utilized technology to grow its SME portfolio and enhance cost and time efficiency.

Case Study

Her Resilience in the Face of COVID-19

A data deep dive into the customer base of two financial service providers engaging with low-income women

Case Study

Digital Financial Services Supervision in Bangladesh

Closer look at Bangladesh’s path to allow for digital innovations that scale

Case Study

Eko Grows Agent Network Tenfold Through Open APIs

Eko India has used open APIs to become a platform business, which has enabled it to expand at considerably lower operational cost than its traditional agent business would have.

Case Study

Weathering the Storm II: A Case Study of Spandana

Lessons learned from previous crises to help with future crisis responses

Case Study

Financial Education for the MSMEs: Identifying MSME Educational Needs

Demand-side case studies on educational programs for both supply and demand-side from Zambia, Jordan and Bangladesh

Case Study

Green Delta, Bangladesh – The Case for Insuring Women for a Better Tomorrow

This case study showcases the business case for women's insurance in Bangladesh.

Case Study

People's Education and Development Organization: Krishi-Sakhis

This case briefs shows People's Education and Development Organization's work on providing agriculture support and advice to the community through their "Krishi-Sakhis" (friends of agriculture).