All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 32
Guide / Toolkit

The Dynamic Learning Playbook

Your one-stop-shop for turning learning into action
Guide / Toolkit

Roadmap to Funding for Financial Institutions

A practical guide to understanding the requirements to secure funding
Guide / Toolkit

Effective Codes of Conduct: A Guide for Microfinance Associations

Seven-step process to develop, implement and maintain a Code of Conduct
Guide / Toolkit

How to Design a Complaints Mechanism

Providing guidelines on developing an effective complaints mechanisms system
Guide / Toolkit

Governing Banks: MFI Edition. Part 1: Risk Governance

Understanding effective risk governance as a new board director of an MFI
Guide / Toolkit

How to Develop an Institutional Code of Ethics

Formulating an institutional Code of Ethics that ensures client protection
Guide / Toolkit

The Corporate Governance and Risk Management Handbook for Microfinance Institutions in the Arab World

Presenting guidelines for MFIs to analyze their governance and risk management practices
Guide / Toolkit

Evaluation and Development of Good Governance in Microfinance Institutions

Strengthening governance processes in MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Universal Corporate Governance Code for Microfinance Institutions

Outlining the importance of good corporate governance of MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Governance: Integrating SPM into Microfinance Capacity Building

Highlighting the role of the board in an MFI'’s social performance management