All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 23

Assessing the State of Youth Financial Inclusion in Developing Contexts

This guide draws primarily from the lessons learned during the realization of a series of assessments on the state of youth financial inclusion in Uganda, Kenya, and Guatemala in 2019 and 2020.


Digital Financial Services in Africa: Beyond the Kenyan Success Story

Assessing the growth potential of digital financial services in seven African countries

Financial Inclusion in Uganda

Facilitating increase in access to financial services in Uganda

Agent Network Accelerator Survey: Uganda Country Report 2013

Assessing the performance of agent networks in Uganda

Research Insight: The Microfinance Revolution in East Africa

Analyzing trends in the microfinance market in East African countries

The State of Microfinance in Uganda 2012/13

Presenting an overview of the Ugandan microfinance industry’'s performance in 2012-13

Mobile Money in Uganda: Use, Barriers and Opportunities

Tracking the use of mobile money in Uganda

Financial Access and Exclusion in Kenya and Uganda

Examining factors causing exclusion from financial services
Guide / Toolkit

Country-Level Savings Assessment Tool: Improving the Supply of Deposit Services for Poor People

Guide to Country Level Savings Assessment Tool application in microfinance

Scaling up Microfinance in Eastern and Western Africa with Lessons from India

Drawing lessons from India for developing a sustainable microfinance sector in Africa