All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 27

Advancing Livelihoods Through Financial Inclusion in Iraq

This report provides an overview of the target market and enabling environment for the financial services industry in Iraq.


Navigating Through COVID-19: A Snapshot on How the Pandemic Affected MSMEs in Iraq

Country assessment reflecting the impact of the pandemic on banked enterprises

Case Study

Fostering Resilience in the Middle East: A People Centered Approach to Risk Reduction

Case studies from Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon on reducing disaster risk

Financial Inclusion and Microfinance: On the Cases of ODA and Analysis of the Poverty Reduction Effect

Developing microfinance official development assistance projects for poverty reduction in Korea

Promoting Financial Inclusion for Growth and Development in Iraq

Emphasizing on the prioritization of financial inclusion in Iraq

State of Iraq's Microfinance Industry

Reviewing the state of Iraqi microfinance

State of Iraq's Microfinance Industry

Examining the state of microfinance in Iraq

Fostering Gender Equality: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

Analyzing the entrepreneurial environment for women in European countries

Post-Conflict Microfinance: Assessment and Policy Notes for Iraq

Will microfinance operations work in Iraq?

Microfinance in Germany and Europe: Market Overview and Best Practice Examples

Insights from successful microfinance initiatives in Europe