All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 205
Case Study

The Role Regulators Play in Closing the Financial Inclusion Gender Gap: A Case Study of Peru

This case study offers an overview of the current state of women's financial inclusion in Peru.

Slide Deck

Low-Income Financial Services Market Sizing and Fintech Assessment: Peru Country Report

This study presents the findings of research to establish the status of access to finance for MSEs and the size of the credit market across four different geographies, including Peru.


Digital Wages for Decent Work in Peru- A Rapid Assessment

This rapid assessment, analyzing the potential for responsible digital wages, focuses on two key sectors and geographical areas in Peru. 


Pacífico Seguros - Insurance for MSMEs: Protected Business

This brief explores an insurance product designed to cover the main risks such as theft, fire, earthquakes and civil liability against third parties faced by SMEs in Peru.


No Small Business: A Segmented Approach to Better Finance for Micro and Small Enterprises

This Focus Note advocates the importance of a segmented approach to addressing micro and small enterprises (MSE) needs and focuses on MSEs with up to 20 employees.

Slide Deck

Analysis of Peru’s Financial Consumer Listening Mechanisms

This slide deck presents the findings of research commissioned by CGAP as part of its work on empowering market conduct authorities and other stakeholders to monitor consumer risks and elevating collective consumers’ voice.


Resilient and Inclusive Financial Services Delivery During COVID-19

This report draws on the lessons that main actors in Zambia, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone have learned about resilience in the times of COVID-19 and identifies key insights into how they have continued to expand financial inclusion.


Understanding Micro- and Small-Growth Entrepreneurs in Vietnam, Pakistan and Peru

This report provides an overview of "the current state of strivers" across these countries with an aim to understand the emerging unmet needs through market assessments.


COVID-19: Crisis as Opportunity for Urban Cash Transfers?

Based on a literature review and case studies of various urban cash transfer schemes in response to the COVID-19 crisis, this paper explores the successes and challenges of implementing cash transfers in urban settings in response to a large, covariate shock.


The Future of Government-to-Person (G2P) Payments: Three Years of Learning About G2P Choice in Zambia

This case study summarizes key lessons learned during the first three years of implementing a choice-based G2P payments model.