All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 121
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Scaling up Access to Finance in Kigoma, Tanzania

This study shares lessons learned in building financial and digital capability while introducing agricultural technology interventions to savings groups through the UN Kigoma Joint Program.

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Agent Networks at the Last Mile: Implications for Financial Regulators

This reading deck for regulators shows how expanding rural Cash-in/Cash-out (CICO) agent networks is key to ensuring more inclusive digital financial systems, illustrates industry innovations that are making rural CICO more viable and presents a set of regulatory considerations that can enable such innovations within a stable financial system. 

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Agent Networks ​at the Last Mile: Implications for Financial​ Service Providers

This deck shares CGAP's and its partners' comprehensive compilation of recent global knowledge about how Cash-in/Cash-Out agent networks operate in different markets so that it can inform a similar dialogue among financial services providers, policy makers and regulators in other countries.

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Agent Networks​ at the Last Mile: Implications for Policy Makers

This reading deck for policy makers shows how rural Cash-in/Cash-out (CICO) agent network expansion is key to ensuring poor people can capture the benefits of digital financial ecosystems and presents a set of policies that have been effective in enabling rural CICO in a way that benefits vulnerable segments.

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Consumer Risks and Digital Financial Services: A Côte d’Ivoire Study

This study is part of the activities of the Laboratory for the Protection of Digital Financial Services Users launched by CGAP in 2021 with an objective to accompany local actors in building a responsible ecosystem for digital financial services.

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DBT Diagnostic Study: Female Beneficiaries' Experience of Receiving DBT

This slide deck reveals evidence from India on female beneficiaries' experience of receiving government-to-person (direct benefit transfer) payment.

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Banking-as-a-Service: How it Can Catalyze Financial Inclusion

This reading deck provides an analysis of the Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) model, a new business model that enables non-banks to offer banking services under their own brand and seamlessly embedded into their digital offering with four case studies of BaaS providers from Europe, US and Mexico.

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Choice of Channel: Understanding How Low- and Moderate-Income Women in Kenya Choose Channels for Financial Transactions

This slide deck shares insights from a choice of channel study to understand how women in the low- and moderate-income segment in Kenya select a financial channel.

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Women in Open-air and Cross-Border Trade In Kenya: Insights From the Financial Diaries Research

This report shares findings from a financial diaries research MFC conducted to enhance the quality and usage of digital financial services among female traders in Kenya.

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Assessment of the Implementation and Usage of QRIS Among Small and Micro-Merchants in Indonesia

This study provides analysis and implementation status of Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) and shares the challenges and opportunities to increase QRIS usage in Indonesia.