All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 106

Bangladesh Digital Payments Country Diagnostic (2022 Edition)

This country analysis estimates that digital payments can boost Bangladesh’s annual GDP, and responsible payments digitization in certain sectors will help accelerate progress towards the SDGs by 2030.


Bangladesh’s National Digital Payments Roadmap 2022-2025

This study is designed to accelerate collaboration between the public and private stakeholders, presenting a framework for using new approaches and technologies to transform the payment ecosystem.


Merchant Expansion through Digital Acceptance and Liquidity (MEDAL) Facility Report

This report discusses the future direction of digital payments in Jordan to increase their acceptance both on the merchant and user sides.


Responsible Social Protection: Lessons From COVID-19 Digital Cash Transfers

This publication uncovers consumer risks arising from the rapidly digitizing G2P programs aimed at the most vulnerable in society, most of whom have no prior experience with digital technology or the formal financial system.


Beneficiary Experience of Digital Government-to-Person (G2P) Payments in Bangladesh, Colombia, and the Philippines

This study explores consumers' experience  with digital cash transfers, and supports policy recommendations to improve the effectiveness of G2P payments and future financial  inclusion.


Examining Virtual Currencies: Risks and Uncertainties of a Novel Payment Technology in International Development

This exploratory brief discusses the implications that virtual currencies, and to a lesser extent central bank-issued digital currencies, might pose for stakeholders in international development contexts. 


Improving Humanitarian Payments Through Digital Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities

This report offers research-based analysis and practical advice for humanitarian agencies on the advantages and areas for growth of five key financial technologies in digital payments: mobile money, artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology (i.e. blockchain), super platforms and QR codes.


State of Digital Payments in the Philippines - Highlights Report (2021 edition)


The Power of Jan Dhan: Making Finance Work for Women in India

This report highlights the design of Women's World Banking's unique Jan Dhan Plus solution and learnings from a subsequent pilot study that helped nurture regular savings behavior among low-income women in the country.


Social Assistance and Information in the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from a Household Survey in India

This publication explores the implementation of a social assistance program in India based on a household survey conducted four to six weeks after its launch.