All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 32

Loan Portfolio Audit in Practice

Why is the loan portfolio audit important for a microfinance institution?

Promoting Quality Bookkeeping in Self-Help Groups: The Mahakalasm Management Information System

Highlighting the importance of sound MIS for accurate bookkeeping
Guide / Toolkit

Loan Portfolio Audit for Microfinance - A Practical Toolkit

Mitigating porfolio risk of an MFI through effective audit

The Internal Control and Internal Audit Regulations 2004

List of regulations applicable to all banks and financial institutions in Tanzania

Disclosure Guidelines for Financial Reporting by Microfinance Institutions

What are the guidelines in preparing audited or unaudited financial statements?

Development Best Practices in Credit Union Supervision: Examination Process - General Ledger Review

Does the general ledger review prove its importance as a key part of the examination process?

Diagnostic Study of Accounting and Auditing Practices in Selected Developing Member Countries

Investigating accounting and auditing practices in ADB's member countries
Guide / Toolkit

Internal Account Management: A Toolkit for Village Banks

Guidelines and tools for practitioners working with internal accounts