All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 86

Evaluating a Graduation Program for Persons with Disabilities

Addendum to the original evaluation looking at additional six month period

Mid-Term Evaluation of UNHCR Graduation Programme in Egypt

Presenting findings about impact, process/performance, and project monitoring activities
Guide / Toolkit

The Business Skills Training Guide

A 17-point rule book for income-generating activities from Rwanda's graduation program

Pathways out of Poverty: Findings from a Quasi-experimental Evaluation of Trickle Up's Graduation Program in India

Qualitative analysis of Trickle Up's poverty alleviation approach
Guide / Toolkit

PROPEL Toolkit: An Implementation Guide to the Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach

Tools, forms and formats from BRAC's experience with Graduation programs

Building Stable Livelihoods for the Ultra-Poor

Results from seven randomized evaluations of the Graduation approach
Guide / Toolkit

From Extreme Poverty to Sustainable Livelihoods: A Technical Guide to the Graduation Approach

Providing guidelines to develop poverty alleviation programs

The Returns to Cash and Microenterprise Support Among the Ultra-Poor: A Field Experiment

Evaluating the effects of an ultra-poor program in Uganda

Financial Graduation Feasibility Study

Assessing the scope of developing a market-led financial graduation model in Northern Kenya

Tackling Ultra-Poverty through the Graduation Approach

Situating Sustainable Livelihoods in the Landscape of Social Protection and Safety Nets