All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 11

A Change in Behavior: Innovations in Financial Capability

Lessons from a wide range of innovative interventions on financial education

Financial Capability Building Practices in Mexico

Snapshot of the financial education and financial capability landscape in Mexico

Financial Education and Access to Savings Accounts: Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from Ugandan Youth Clubs

Assessing the relationship between financial education and access to savings accounts

Breaking the Ice: The Role of Insurance Associations in Insurance Consumer Education

Evaluating insurance associations to recommend ways to provide better insurance consumer education

Stimulating Microenterprise Growth: Results from a Loans, Grants and Training Experiment in Uganda

Examining the effects of financial support interventions on micro and small enterprises

Taking Stock: Financial Education Initiatives for the Poor

Increasing outreach through financial education

Towards an Effective Framework for Financial Literacy and Financial Consumer Protection in Uganda

Developing a roadmap to improve financial literacy and financial consumer protection in Uganda

Developing Human Capital in Mexico

Challenges in developing skilled talent for the microfinance sector

Summa and the Uganda Private Providers Loan Fund (Investment Brief)

How can a microfinance program influence client perception of the quality of care at clinics?

Supervision and Support of High-quality Group-based Nonformal Education Services: Use of Observation Checklists in Supervision

A detailed description of Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program