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Empowering Rural Women in Mali Through Self-Help Groups

This study highlights the approach used to enable women to access credit and develop income-generating activities that contribute to their empowerment and give them access to microcredit.

Case Study

The Role Regulators Play in Closing the Financial Inclusion Gender Gap: A Case Study of the Dominican Republic

This case study offers an overview of the current state of women’s financial inclusion in the Dominican Republic.

Slide Deck

Solidarity in Saving: Listening to Women's Needs During Crises

Based on 3,822 (majority women) VSLA member interviews, this brief represents quantitative data from Burundi, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger, and Vietnam.


Connected Women: Mapping the Mobile Money Gender Gap: Insights from Côte d’Ivoire and Mali

Where do female customers drop off on the mobile money customer journey?

The Paradox of Gender-Neutral Banking

Making the case for a gender-intelligent business model

The Interaction of Customary Law and Microfinance: Women’s Entry into the World Economy

Examining the interaction between microfinance and customary law

Money Matters: Reaching Women Microentrepreneurs With Financial Services

This study hopes to contribute to designing better responses to women microentrepreneurs' demand by helping to create more efficient and viable institutions providing them with useful financial services into the twenty-first century and beyond.


Credit With Education: A Self-Financing Way to Empower Women

A new approach to empowering women

Access to Credit for Poor Women: A Scale-up Study of Projects Carried out by Freedom from Hunger in Mali and Ghana

Analyzing Freedom from Hunger's village banking program in Mali and Ghana