All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 23

Measuring Progress: Financial Inclusion in Selected SADC Countries

Working methodology in measuring and evaluating the impact of national financial inclusion strategies


Digitally-Enabled Cross-Border Remittances in Lesotho: Key Policy Considerations To Break Uptake Barriers

In-depth market analysis with recommendations for shifting remittances to regulated channels

Small Business Performance: Does Access to Finance Matter?

Evidence from the Southern African Development Community using FinScope surveys
Case Study

Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Savings Among Low-Income Individuals in Lesotho, Malawi, and South Africa

Providing recommendations to enhance savings among low-income individuals
Case Study

Social Performance Report of Agricultural Credit Cooperative (ACC) Maritza Invest, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Providing financial services to agricultural small and medium enterprises

Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy: Lessons from Nine Country Studies

Strengthening financial consumer protection and financial literacy in emerging markets
Case Study

Experienced Consortium Deepens Bulgarian Financial System by Creating ProCredit Bank, a Commercial Bank for Microenterprises

Learning from the experience of creating ProCredit Bank Bulgaria
Case Study

Case Studies in Donor Good Practices No.20: Experienced Consortium Deepens Bulgarian Financial System by Creating ProCredit Bank, a Commercial Bank for Microenterprises

A study of the factors that led to the success of ProCredit Bank, Bulgaria