All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 22

Investing in Climate Tech Innovation in Africa

This report includes insights into the sectors, technologies, target users, geographies, founder characteristics, funding trends, and exit paths of climate ventures in Africa.


Fintech for Who? Demand for Digital Financial Services and Fintech in Tanzania

This paper explores the drivers of demand for digital financial services and fintech: perceived cost, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and social norms.


Agritech and Fintech Providers in East and Southern Africa

This report examines the universe of agritech and fintech providers that influence access to finance for small-scale farmers and agricultural SMEs in East and Southern Africa.

Slide Deck

Low-Income Financial Services Market Sizing and Fintech Assessment: Kenya Country Report

This slide deck presents research findings estimating the size of the medium and small enterprise and low-income credit markets in Kenya, and assesses the potential of fintech firms to meet the needs of those markets.

Slide Deck

Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs: Côte d’Ivoire

This report attempts to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fintechs in Côte d’Ivoire and understand how the ecosystem adapted and evolved during 2020.

Slide Deck

Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs: Senegal

This report attempts to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fintechs in Senegal and understand how the ecosystem adapted and evolved during 2020.


Fintechs and Financial Inclusion

Looking past the hype and exploring their potential


How Microfinance is Navigating the Fintech Revolution in Africa

Exploring the challenges and opportunities of Fintech for microfinance institutions

The Role of ICT in Reducing Information Asymmetry for Financial Access

Findings from research on 53 African countries during a 7-year period