All Publications

Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Case Study

Colombia's Ingreso Solidario: Improving Social Protection Through Public-Private Collaboration and Responsible Digital Payment Practices as Part of COVID-19 Emergency Response

This case study illustrates how designing programs responsibly can result in greater trust in digital financial services, leading to greater volumes of digital transactions, and increased use of digital savings and e-commerce services.

Case Study

Digital Transformation to Alleviate Poverty of the Poor People

The objective of this study is to explain the role Al-Amal Microfinance Bank online services played amid the pandemic.

Case Study

Savings and Retail Banking in Africa: A Case Study on Innovative Business Models

This study describes six business models to address the challenges financial service providers are increasingly facing as a result of digitization and the pandemic.

Case Study

Her Resilience in the Face of COVID-19

A data deep dive into the customer base of two financial service providers engaging with low-income women

Case Study

Savings and Retail Banking in Africa: A Case Study on COVID-19

This report looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed bank customer behavior in Africa.

Case Study

Saving Cash, Saving Lives

The experiences of Haitian savings groups during COVID-19