All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 28
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Increasing Financial Inclusion in Egypt’s Garment Sector through Responsible Wage Digitalization: Benefits for Workers and Business

This report sets out the results from supporting nine factories in five governorates in Egypt with over 24,000 workers with wage digitalization and enabling workers to access, use and benefit from their accounts.

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Understanding Users’ Experience With Digital Lending Applications in India

This slide deck shares the results of a survey conducted by MSC and FACE to analyze user knowledge and behavior regarding digital lending applications (DLAs) and digital loans.

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Pathways Through Platform Livelihoods in Indonesia

This pathways study aims to understand digital platforms as a livelihood source, capturing and contrasting the self-reported state of participants before, during, and after engaging on platforms.

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Digital Credit Consumer Risks in Côte d'Ivoire

The study centers around the results of a survey on digital credit risks in Côte d'Ivoire. It seeks to analyze the impacts and risks associated with the use of digital credit and the opportunities for improving consumer protection.

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Digital Finance Consumer Risks: Senegal National Study

To understand digital finance consumer risks in Senegal and in the West African Economic and Monetary Union, this slide deck shares an overview of the risks digital financial service users faced in the past year in Senegal.

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Global Landscape: Data Trails of Digitally Included Poor (DIP) People

This reading deck puts a spotlight on the specific data trails generated by digitally included yet poor people, the sources of these data trails, and variations of data trails across different segmentations.

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Making Digital Platforms Work for Women in Rural Agricultural Livelihoods

The primary objectives of this work were to understand how platform-specific responses can unlock social and economic value, identify best practices and provide guidance to key stakeholders to improve platform services for rural women.

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Mobile Money Agents: Sustainability in the Digital Era - Findings From Mozambique

This report looks at the pressing challenges affecting Mozambican mobile money agents to inform the players in the ecosystem and create sustainable strategies to improve agent networks.

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Scaling up Access to Finance in Kigoma, Tanzania

This study shares lessons learned in building financial and digital capability while introducing agricultural technology interventions to savings groups through the UN Kigoma Joint Program.

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Consumer Risks and Digital Financial Services: A Côte d’Ivoire Study

This study is part of the activities of the Laboratory for the Protection of Digital Financial Services Users launched by CGAP in 2021 with an objective to accompany local actors in building a responsible ecosystem for digital financial services.