All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Case Study

Colombia's Ingreso Solidario: Improving Social Protection Through Public-Private Collaboration and Responsible Digital Payment Practices as Part of COVID-19 Emergency Response

This case study illustrates how designing programs responsibly can result in greater trust in digital financial services, leading to greater volumes of digital transactions, and increased use of digital savings and e-commerce services.

Case Study

How Providers Can Build Products That Improve Financial Health: Examples From Mexico and Chile

This paper shares the key challenges, learnings, and overall results from five case studies in Chile and Mexico, uncovering best practices on how to design for and influence financial health.

Case Study

A Client Needs-Centred Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Understanding how and why customers use different types of financial services
Case Study

Proportionality in Practice: Disclosure of Information

Supervisor’s perspectives on the rationale, design and implementation of regulation
Case Study

Client Voices Peru Country Report: Progress and Evolving Risks in an Advanced Consumer Protection Environment

Findings and industry recommendations based on input from 1000 MFI clients
Case Study

Loan Officers and Clients’ Over-Indebtedness Prevention: The Case of Banco Adopem

Examining the potential roles of loan officers in preventing over-indebtedness
Case Study

Emerging Risks to Consumer Protection in Branchless Banking: Key Findings from Colombia Case Study

Protecting users and mitigating risks in the use of mobile financial services in Colombia
Case Study

CREZCAMOS Colombia: Providing Transparent Information to Clients

Social performance management case study on four of the essential practices for transparency
Case Study

Overindebtedness in Microfinance: Case-study of the Clientele of Financiera CREAR in Los Olivos, Lima Norte, Peru

How can overindebtedness in the microfinance industry be curbed?
Case Study

Customized IT at Caja Morelia Safeguards Client Data

Ensuring client data protection through data management system