All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 42
Slide Deck

Solidarity in Saving: Listening to Women's Needs During Crises

Based on 3,822 (majority women) VSLA member interviews, this brief represents quantitative data from Burundi, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger, and Vietnam.


Helping Low- and Moderate-Income Malaysians Save

Insights from UNCDF's work with GoGet and Pod

Case Study

Lessons from the Solomon Islands: Innovating with Pensions for the Informal Sector

Case study of a micropension product pilot

Term Deposits: Rural Clientele Ask For More

How can rural Indonesian banks successfully offer term deposits?

Who You Train Matters: Identifying Complementary Effects of Financial Education on Migrant Households

Are financial literacy programs effective in inducing savings among remittance-receiving households?

Mass Retail Banking: How Savings Banks in Africa, Asia and Latin America Can Provide Usable Services to the Poor

How can savings banks achieve take-up of their products and services by poor people?
Case Study

Savings Volatility Analysis: CARD Bank

The role of savings volatility analysis in the liquidity management and product development of MFIs

Note From the Philippines: Client Learnings on Microsavings

Understanding client preferences on savings products

Savings and the MFI Portfolio: Bridging the Gap Between the Needs of the Poor and the Capability of the Institution

How can providing savings services ensure the long-term success of MFIs?
Case Study

Change Leadership: A Microsavings Case Study

Guiding MFIs through institutional change